Our Lawn Care Blog

Ready to learn more about how to care for your lawn? Read our blog for the latest industry news and tips from the experts at Agronomic Lawn Management.

Virginia grass
Best Grass for Virginia Lawns

Do you dream of having a lush, green carpet of grass that will make your neighbors green with envy? Look no further because we have the solution for you. When it comes to the best grass for Virginia lawns, there are a few options that stand out from the rest.

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Fairy Rings lawn disease in grass
5 Common Lawn Fungus Types in Virginia

From the picturesque Blue Ridge Mountains to the coastal plains, Virginia's diverse geography creates environments where different grass fungus types thrive. Here are the top 5 most common lawn fungi you might encounter in your Virginia yard, and what to do about them.

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gardener pulling weeds
Homemade Weed Killer

Taking care of your garden or yard comes with its share of challenges, and one persistent issue that gardeners often face is the relentless invasion of weeds. If you’re looking for a DIY solution, check out our recipe for homemade weed killer.

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open backyard
Guide to Grubs

To maintain a healthy lawn, it's important to understand underground pests like grubs. In this blog, we will explore signs of an infestation, give practical tips to prevent, and manage grub-related issues, keeping your grass lush.

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open backyard
How To Prepare Your Lawn for Spring

With the arrival of springtime, your lawn is ready to bloom and bloom - but it needs your help! A little greenery-friendly care can keep your lawn looking beautiful all summer. Here’s what you must do to get your garden in prime condition for the upcoming season.

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sedge grass
Best Time To Water Your Lawn

Watering your lawn is an essential part of keeping it healthy and lush, but you’ll need to water your lawn differently depending on the season. Here’s a guide to the best times of year to water your lawn by season.

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Close up picture of healthy green grass
Lime Treatment Guide in Virginia

Lime is an important soil amendment for residential gardens, lawns, and agricultural land in Virginia. When used correctly, lime can increase the soil's ability to absorb water and create a healthier growing environment.

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snow melting off grass
How Snow Damages Your Lawn

Winter weather can take quite a toll on your lawn, especially if you live in a colder climate. Frost damage may also become evident as soon as spring arrives if deep snow was allowed to remain in patches on the lawn during winter.

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